Essential kitchen and dining equipment, including an oh-so-necessary freezer.

New sturdy cups being inaugurated with chocolate milk - always a favorite of kids.

Essential kitchen and dining equipment, including an oh-so-necessary freezer.

We were delighted to assist in getting needed supplies to Mi Refugio Casa Hogar, a home for abandoned, abused and orphaned children. Located close to Nauta on the Iquitos-Nauta road, Mi Refugio opened its doors in 2012, and currently is home to 60 children and 10 staff. The home receives government funding of s/4.00 per child per day (~US $1.14) to house, feed, clothe and educate the children. That isn't enough to provide 3 meals a day to growing kids, to say nothing of the other needs! With the assistance of Dr. Ernesto and Rosy Salazar (Iquitos) and US-based donors. food and essential kitchen and dining supplies were delivered in July 2020, and support will be on-going. Visit Mi Refugio on Facebook. and share the love!

The entrance to Mi Refugio

Buildings at the refuge

Why are these kids happy? Because they see cocoa powder in the donated food items and know that chocolate milk will be the treat at dinner.

The entrance to Mi Refugio
If you want to be a rainforest volunteer and also love children, you might wish to get in contact with Mi Refugio Casa Hogar (you'll need to speak Spanish, however).