Your Support Matters!
There are many worthy projects to support that make a positive difference to the environment and people of the Amazon. We work hard to make sure that each dollar, euro, pound, yen, peso or other currency goes as far as possible, so you'll never receive a physical mailing from us, We don't even have paid staff or a physical office in the USA. We are passionate volunteers who donate our own time and resources because we've fallen in love with the Peruvian rainforest & the people and wildlife that inhabit it.
Medical Care
Any amount from $1 and up
Coronavirus relief efforts
Orosa Clinic support
Patient support for surgeries, transport & care
School medical kits​ (basics)
$25 - small: 10-25 students
$50 - medium: 26-50 kids
$75 - large: 51-75 kids
Village medical kits (basics)​
$100 - up to 60 people
$125 - up to 100 people
Village medical kits (enhanced)​
$150 - up to 60 people
$200 - up to 100 people
Reading glasses​
​$180 - 300 assorted pairs
$300 - 500 assorted pairs
Community Health Worker Training
$120 - participation in 4 day hands-on training session
Medical Boat Operation​
$800 - operate our medical services boat for a day
$6000 - fund a week-long medical service expedition (includes purchase of medications)
Any amount from $1 and up
Maintain and conserve field stations & reserves
$10 - plant 4 native trees
$30 - plant 15 native trees
$100 - fund an elevated planting bed for seedling production
Field Station Signage
$20 - create & install 1 sign
$100 - create & install 6 border signs
Research Equipment
$85 - purchase 1 long-life trail camera
$120 - purchase 1 water-proof good-quality binoculars
Forest Wardens​ & Caretakers
$400 - fund a warden for a month​
Land Acquisition
$275 - purchase an acre of Amazonian rainforest
Student Research​
$800 - fund a month of field research by a Peruvian university student at one of our field stations
Education & More
Any amount from $1 and up
General fund for rural school support
Classroom supplies
$20 - essentials - small
$25 - essentials - medium
$30 - essentials - large
$30 - enhanced - small
$35 - enhanced -medium
$40 - enhanced - large
Teacher support & equipment
$150 - 16 GB tablet with Khan Academy curriculum in Spanish
School Equipment
$60 - large whiteboard & markers
$140 - HP printer & ink
School Sanitation
$variable - plumbing & water system repairs
Field Trips - Elementary
$500 - 2 night, 3 day field trip to field station for 25 students, teachers & parent chaperones

Please also consider donating to the area of greatest need or setting up a recurring donation on the PayPal check-out page. In the comment box, kindly indicate how you would like a donation to be directed (feel free to split a donation between 2 or more causes). For alternative donation options, contact us at any time.
Conservation & Research
Donate Buttons
We can do the following with the indicated amounts (USD)*
Area of Greatest Need
If you use Venmo (US only) or Apple Pay, you can easily make a donation via the GiveButter platform. Just click the button.
*Exchange rates and costs of goods vary over time, but we'll do our best to keep these estimates as accurate as possible.